Thanks to a number of kind people, we've got several hours of great footage from the wedding day that we're working on editing into a finished Wedding DVD (which will be available to anyone who'd like it at cost price once it's ready).
The 60-second wedding video
The first bit of editing work is now complete! As well as being something which will appear as a 'DVD extra' on the final product, zoolyweds - the 60-second wedding video lends itself very nicely to the web. We imagine you can probably guess what it is, but just to confirm it, it's the entire wedding day squashed together into a neat 60-second package where every moment counts!
There's no room in the video for any credits, so these can be found below. First, here are the all-important download links. The video is available in several formats and file sizes. The nearer the top of each list, the better the picture quality, so if you've got a good connection then go for one of the first two!
If you're running Windows, we recommend the Windows Media format. (We're not sure that the Mac version of Windows Media Player supports widescreen - if anyone wants to confirm this by downloading one of the first three below and seeing if everything looks squashed rather than widescreen, it would certainly be appreciated.) Otherwise, there are RealVideo files, which don't support widescreen so they've got black bars at the top and bottom (i.e. they're letterboxed).
Note that most browsers will just play the files if you click the links below; if you want to download/save them, you should instead right-click (Ctrl-click on a Mac) them and choose 'Save Target As...', 'Save Link As...' or similar.
Windows Media
- Ultimate quality (15MB file - for dedicated downloaders only!)
- Broadband quality (1.2MB file - should be able to play almost instantly over most broadband connections)
- Dial-up quality (400kB file - should play quite quickly on a decent dial-up connection)
To watch these, you will need a recent version of RealPlayer. The Real web site generally tries to sell you its paid-for player so make sure you look for options called 'basic' or 'free', and don't choose any 'free trial' links which may be the paid-for player in disguise!
- Best quality (14.5MB file - for dedicated downloaders only!)
- Broadband quality (1MB file - should be able to play almost instantly over most broadband connections)
- Dial-up quality (350kB file - should play quite quickly on a decent dial-up connection)
- Adam Bienkov
- Duncan Crook
- Rebecca Merriman
- Rob Merriman
- Marcus Povey
- John Speller
- Ben Werdmuller
- Isobel Gray
- Martin Griffiths
- Clare Nicholls
- Pat Speller
- Rosy Wilson
- Get Me To The Church On Time from My Fair Lady
performed by Stanley Holloway and ensemble - National Express
performed by The Divine Comedy - Theme from Zoo Tycoon
as featured in the Microsoft/Blue Fang game - zoolyweds Processional music
arranged and performed by Edith Gray (now Speller!) - It's Only Time
performed by the Magnetic Fields - Let's Get Together (In Our Minds)
performed by Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Dark Eyes
performed by Trembling Blue Stars
- Paul Speller
Copyright information
The copyright in this edited video is largely held by us. The photos' copyright is held by their photographers. The copyright of the music, which is used in very short snippets (how else do you think we fitted it all in a minute?), is held by numerous others. We hope no-one will mind us having used such small extracts of the music played on our big day in the video, but if anyone does object, please contact us (video [at] zoolyweds [dot] co [dot] uk) and we will remove the offending music from the video and republish it without it.